Main function to query the survey database

  common = NULL,
  scientific = NULL,
  itis_id = NULL,
  regions = NULL,
  surveys = NULL,
  years = NULL



A string, or vector of strings of common names for species. This is NULL by default, so that all species are returned.


A string, or vector of strings of scientific names for species. This is NULL by default, so that all species are returned.


An integer or vector of integers corresponding to ITIS identifiers. This is NULL by default, so that all species are returned.


A string, or vector of strings of common names for regions. May be one or more of "afsc", "nwfsc", "pbs". Surveys are nested within region, so returning data from a region will return more than one survey. This is NULL by default, so that all surveys are returned.


A string, or vector of strings of common names for surveys. May be one or more of "Aleutian Islands Bottom Trawl Survey", "Eastern Bering Sea Crab/Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey", "Eastern Bering Sea Slope Bottom Trawl Survey", "Gulf of Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey", "Northern Bering Sea Crab/Groundfish Survey - Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey Extension", "NWFSC.Combo", "NWFSC.Shelf", "NWFSC.Hypoxia", "Triennial", "SYN QCS", "SYN HS", "SYN WCVI", "SYN WCHG". If NULL, all are returned.


a vector of years, e.g. year = 2013:2018. If NULL, all are returned.


a dataframe of joined haul and catch data

  • event_id: Unique haul identifier.

  • itis: ITIS identifier for species.

  • catch_numbers: Numbers of fish for this haul - species.

  • catch_weight: Weight (kg) of fish for this haul - species.

  • region: Region this survey originated in ("pbs", "nwfsc", "afsc").

  • scientific_name: Scientific name for this species.

  • common_name: Common name for this species.

  • survey_name: Name of the survey this haul is part of.

  • date: String representation of the date, format YYYY-MM-DD.

  • pass: Optional pass identifier (1 or 2), only used for NWFSC surveys.

  • vessel: Optional unique vessel identifier, not included in all surveys.

  • lat_start: Starting latitude of haul, decimal degrees.

  • lon_start: Starting longitude of haul, decimal degrees.

  • lat_end: Ending latitude of haul, decimal degrees.

  • lon_end: Ending longitude of haul, decimal degrees.

  • depth_m: Haul bottom depth (meters).

  • effort: Amount of units corresponding to this haul.

  • effort_units: Units of effort.

  • performance: Optional performance indicator for each haul, not used for all surveys. If not indicated, assume performance is satisfactory

  • bottom_temp_c: Bottom temperature recorded at the gear, in degrees Celsius.

  • year: Calendar year corresponding to the haul.


if (FALSE) {
d <- get_data()